You are such a profound and unique thinker, Beth, your writing an amalgam of nerdy (and brilliant!) scientific observation and perspective, and the wide-eyed, passionate soul of an artist and lover of art. I find your pieces sometimes challenging for my very non-scientific brain, yet love how you pull it all together into something that not only makes sense to even my very right brain, but inspires me to be a little more curious about the science of life around us. Absolutely intriguing piece.

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Lorraine, thank you so much for that! I feel like I live on the edge of everything, knowing just enough to get myself into trouble, but not enough to actually effect any distinguishable change. At the very root of it, though, is this unquenchable curiosity about it all. Isn't life fascinating? It's all RIGHT THERE, anytime we care to look.

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Your kind of curiosity just amazes and inspires me. You are a most unique presence on this planet, Beth, and I’m so glad we connected.

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Jul 21Liked by Beth Anderson

Love it, Beth. Thank you! Along with so many of my brethren and sistren in the late 60s, the TRUTH that everything connects to everything else came to me during my first celestial navigation during that time. Methinks it would be a better world if more people had a similar epiphany.

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I agree wholeheartedly, Steve, and thank you! Yes, everyone's mired in the physical world a little too much these days, and there's more to life and meaning than that.

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