This is just gorgeous. And I had read somewhere about your Doug before and went digging and found his photo on your business website. This must have meant moons and worlds to him to hear before he went over. Incredible. I loved it too, btw

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That’s incredibly kind of you, Camille, thank you. He was a rare person - wickedly smart, funny, loving and generous. I will not find his like again. I’ll send you a better one that more accurately captures him.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Liked by Beth Anderson

Your writing always knocks me over. In a good way. It's elegant but relatable, poignant in a way that doesn't slap you across the head, brimming with heart and intelligence. You can add "writer" to your ever-growing resumé. You humble me. And the song! OMG - your voice is strong, confident, unique, and beautiful. I'm so glad it's out there. You can tell it comes straight from your soul.

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Oh wow! I wouldn’t want to slap anyone… no, wait - I can think of one or two politicians… But in seriousness, thank you for your confidence in me, I mean it when I say it means a great deal. You know of what you speak, sister.

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Aug 3Liked by Beth Anderson

Even though I was aware of these events, I was freshly gobsmacked by the power of your prose. Rock on, my friend! ❤️

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Ah, my dear friend. Thank you. Tough things to talk about. I was prodded into writing about this and felt some hesitation, but I'm glad I did. It helps diffuse some of these emotions.

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Damn. This is staggeringly personal and profound, and I applaud your ability to tell such a poignant story with with both candor and poetry. You are an extraordinary writer, Beth. And all of it leading to your song, your video, with its explosive animation and message... wow. Just wow. I am in some kind of awe...

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My turn to be wowed, Lorraine. Thank you so very much for that. I feel like I'm on rung one of this ladder toward become an actual writer. So many astonishingly good writers here, you among them. Hopefully I'll find my way... It's hard to convey in terms that don't automatically push people away, how profoundly difficult losing one's partner in life is. Of all the people in the world who're currently in a loving relationship, 50% of you will know what this is like eventually. And like so many, I longed to be the one to go first. Life had other plans.

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Yes, sadly, it did. But you have navigated that journey with incredible grace; I think your writing has become a powerful tool with which to communicate the nuances and challenges of that journey. I always look forward to what you will share with us...

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It's a NEW tool, that's for sure, one I'm not all that sure how to use yet! But I can't think of any other portal that's been as supportive as this one.

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